How can you leverage BI with connected manufacturing?


Sat, 9 May 2020

3 to 5 mins read



Before we talk about leveraging BI, let's first discuss the definition of Business Intelligence (BI). When a company's raw data is analyzed from its business systems for actionable information, this is completed by Business Intelligence. These tools take this data from sources internally and externally, then present it to decision-makers in an organized manner.

What are the benefits of BI for connected manufacturing?

When information is created on a daily basis - it holds answers, key to all the questions regarding your business.

Multiple formats

Consumes data created in multiple formats across the company to keep everyone informed in a variety of ways, eliminating the disadvantages/drawbacks of information miscommunication.

Tracked from multiple sources

Collected from many customer communications, enterprise systems, financial information systems, industry market fluctuations, partner communications, supplies, and real-time external feeds

Extract insights without IT

Modern BI tools have made extraction of key insights from data developer free. Any functional manager can quickly build a highly insightful analytical dashboard to simplify operational decisions.

Drill-down for more insights

Multi-level drilldown dashboard can be quite easily built - rather on-demand to meet your daily needs 

How can Power BI help?

When manufacturers utilize Power BI, it allows all their data sources to have connections, thus allowing them to have an overall view of their company. They'll have the capability to complete updates on dashboards in real time, as well as drill down data comprehensively. Companies can collect vast amounts of data from various systems, organize it, and analyze it so problems can be fixed on the spot.

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